Walter Fernald School for the Feebleminded
About Us
This website is a project of the 11th grade U.S. History classes at Gann Academy, a high school that abuts the site of the former Fernald School. In Fall 2016, our students embarked on an extended study of the Fernald School, its history and its current status as a way of exploring the question, "What is our society's relationship with its most vulnerable citizens?" The materials on these pages are the product of their work.
This project would not have been possible without the extensive help, support, and vast knowledge of our local experts, Alex Green, City Councilman George Darcy, and Ashlynn Rickord.
Work on using the site of the former Fernald School, as well as documenting, archiving, and sharing the stories of the people who lived and worked at Fernald is ongoing. If you are interested in getting involved, or have a story to share, please contact us!